In the last 12 months I've had some issues with TSPlus running on Windows 10
resulting in 2 reinstalls
I have used Local Group Policy to try and stop updates. (I think without success - I think)
In the past I've used a Windows 10 Virtual Machine running on Windows 2012 Server
At times performance has been poor.. in some cases Remote App not loading!
This time I've decided on Windows 10 Pro - 16Gb RAM, SSD on a QuadCore PC dedicated to the job
Internet connection is Fibre with download 80, upload 20
Are there any PERFORMANCE Tuning resources ?
Also would like to LOCK down the system - block Windows update, stop unnecessary Services etc
any ideas welcome
TSPlus performance Tuning & Lockdown ideas
Re: TSPlus performance Tuning & Lockdown ideas
What you could do is reduce the maximum of graphic effects and colors.
1- Open a client generator, choose "Disable background and animation for better performances".
2- In the display tab, choose 15 bits colors.
If you are connecting using the HTML5 web client, open an admin tool \ web portal \ HTML5 client and check the "Use recommended value" box. Refresh your client browser.
Right click on "My computer" and click on properties. click on advanced system properties, performances, visual effects, and select "Adjust for best performances". This setting can be set on client and server side and will enhance graphic performance.
You can also make sure that your graphic adapter drivers are up to date as well as your RDP protocols and windows updates.
You can also force the use of the classic theme using group policy : To do so, type gpedit.msc in start search and hit Enter to open the Group PolicyEditor. Navigate to User Configuration > Administrative Templates > Control Panel > Personalization. Now in the right pane, double click on Force a specific visual style or force Windows Classic. Enable the group policy and leave the field blank to enforce windows classic theme. Reboot and open a command prompt and run the gpupdate /force command.
Last but not least, open an admin tool / session / session opening preference and make sure the disable user services is checked. This will help enhance performance greatly.
What you could do is reduce the maximum of graphic effects and colors.
1- Open a client generator, choose "Disable background and animation for better performances".
2- In the display tab, choose 15 bits colors.
If you are connecting using the HTML5 web client, open an admin tool \ web portal \ HTML5 client and check the "Use recommended value" box. Refresh your client browser.
Right click on "My computer" and click on properties. click on advanced system properties, performances, visual effects, and select "Adjust for best performances". This setting can be set on client and server side and will enhance graphic performance.
You can also make sure that your graphic adapter drivers are up to date as well as your RDP protocols and windows updates.
You can also force the use of the classic theme using group policy : To do so, type gpedit.msc in start search and hit Enter to open the Group PolicyEditor. Navigate to User Configuration > Administrative Templates > Control Panel > Personalization. Now in the right pane, double click on Force a specific visual style or force Windows Classic. Enable the group policy and leave the field blank to enforce windows classic theme. Reboot and open a command prompt and run the gpupdate /force command.
Last but not least, open an admin tool / session / session opening preference and make sure the disable user services is checked. This will help enhance performance greatly.
TSplus support team administrator

TSplus support team administrator

Re: TSPlus performance Tuning & Lockdown ideas
Thank you, I will check this out.
Any guidelines in dumbing down Windows 10 Pro?
Are thare any Un-needed Services or programs that can be REMOVED or disabled
I did disable windows updates last time but ....
Any guidelines in dumbing down Windows 10 Pro?
Are thare any Un-needed Services or programs that can be REMOVED or disabled
I did disable windows updates last time but ....