Hello. Please tell me where to correct? When I try to log in through the browser remote app, then it opens a separate blue box and it Floating panel. No overlay application, as it works in this window as a RDP.
Windows Server 2012 r2 TSPlus
Strange remote app from browser
Re: Strange remote app from browser
You will need to publish and assign applications to your users and/or groups in order to display remote application within the floating panel.
You will find here a documentation on how to publish new applications : terminalserviceplus.com/docs/application-publishing
And how to assign these applications to users : terminalserviceplus.com/docs/assigning-applications-to-users-or-groups
and http://www.terminalserviceplus.com/docs ... ting-panel
You will need to publish and assign applications to your users and/or groups in order to display remote application within the floating panel.
You will find here a documentation on how to publish new applications : terminalserviceplus.com/docs/application-publishing
And how to assign these applications to users : terminalserviceplus.com/docs/assigning-applications-to-users-or-groups
and http://www.terminalserviceplus.com/docs ... ting-panel
TSplus support team administrator

TSplus support team administrator

Re: Strange remote app from browser
Applications and floating panel assigninig for users. With tsplus client generator all works fine. Each applications may work in window on desktop. But when I coonect from browser remote app opens a separate window unmovable on the entire screen, blocking the taskbar and it floating panel applications.
Re: Strange remote app from browser
The problem was solved by replacing setup-remoteappclient.exe version download from TC Plus site.