I would like to be able to log when a user logs into the server and when they log out. So at a minimum I need the user name, date and time of login and date and time when they logout. It would also be helpful if I could log what applications they used. Is this possible and if so how is it done?
This is being requested by various agencies to meet their increased security demands so that is the reason for the request.
Logging Clients Activity
Re: Logging Clients Activity
Hello Simon,
This is a standard feature from Server Genius : https://docs.terminalserviceplus.com/se ... cted-users
This is a standard feature from Server Genius : https://docs.terminalserviceplus.com/se ... cted-users
TSplus support team administrator

TSplus support team administrator

Re: Logging Clients Activity
I never thought to look at Server Genius so thank-you for pointing me in that direction. It looks like what I need.
Re: Logging Clients Activity
You can easily create a logon.bat, place it as start script in the user profile.
Content could be something like this:
Content could be something like this:
Code: Select all
@echo off
echo %date%-%time:~-11,2%:%time:~-8,2%:%time:~-5,2% > %userprofile%\desktop\userinfo.txt <-- path to you logfile
echo %username% >> %userprofile%\desktop\userinfo.txt <-- path to your logfile