There is a situation we have a server with Tsplus is working fine, however we need to use an application that run with Java 32 bits, Server is installed with Java 64 What is the issues to take into account for Tsplus in order to convive Tsplus and application with Java 32 bits?
Tsplus and Java
Re: Tsplus and Java
Uninstall Java x64 and install Java x32, you will need to reboot your server afterwards. Note that TSplus web services are optimized for 64 bits so connections may be slightly slower.
Uninstall Java x64 and install Java x32, you will need to reboot your server afterwards. Note that TSplus web services are optimized for 64 bits so connections may be slightly slower.
TSplus support team administrator

TSplus support team administrator

Re: Tsplus and Java
unlike what admin wrote you don't need to deinstall 64bit version, by default when 32bit and 64bit are installed parallelly then 64bit will be preferred by TSplus. If you deinstall 64bit version then you will get memory issues with 32bit Java and not being able to start many client sessions parallelly, already by 10-15 sessions you may get out of memory.
Sincerely yours, JW.
unlike what admin wrote you don't need to deinstall 64bit version, by default when 32bit and 64bit are installed parallelly then 64bit will be preferred by TSplus. If you deinstall 64bit version then you will get memory issues with 32bit Java and not being able to start many client sessions parallelly, already by 10-15 sessions you may get out of memory.
Sincerely yours, JW.
TSplus HTML5 and Java web engineer