I'm testing the newest version of (the great) tsplus on an Android smartphone and the HTML5 session is larger than phone screen (I have to drag to access the close button of the application). Is there any configuration I must set to make the session fit exactly the phone screen ?
Thanks for your attention.
HTML5 session view larger than screen on smartphones
Re: HTML5 session view larger than screen on smartphones
Important details I forgot to mention: the HTML5 session is overlaped by the virtual keys on the main screen of the phone, so it happens at the rigthmost side on landscape view and at the bottom in portrait view.
Important details I forgot to mention: the HTML5 session is overlaped by the virtual keys on the main screen of the phone, so it happens at the rigthmost side on landscape view and at the bottom in portrait view.
Re: HTML5 session view larger than screen on smartphones
before continue a picture of described problem is very appreciated, thank you!
Sincerely yours, JW.
before continue a picture of described problem is very appreciated, thank you!
Sincerely yours, JW.
TSplus HTML5 and Java web engineer
Re: HTML5 session view larger than screen on smartphones
As you can see in the landscape image attached, the right side border is under the tree android default buttons on motorola E4 (maximize and close buttons are hidden). I took this on TSPlus website.
Thanks for your attention.
As you can see in the landscape image attached, the right side border is under the tree android default buttons on motorola E4 (maximize and close buttons are hidden). I took this on TSPlus website.
Thanks for your attention.
Re: HTML5 session view larger than screen on smartphones
and in portrait mode, is it hidden on the bottom side too?
Looks like your Motorola device reports higher dimensions than really available. Actually no fix for that case, I would need firstly to buy such device. Is it just Motorola E4 or do you have more detailed device name?
Sincerely yours, JW.
and in portrait mode, is it hidden on the bottom side too?
Looks like your Motorola device reports higher dimensions than really available. Actually no fix for that case, I would need firstly to buy such device. Is it just Motorola E4 or do you have more detailed device name?
Sincerely yours, JW.
TSplus HTML5 and Java web engineer
Re: HTML5 session view larger than screen on smartphones
It happens in portrait mode too (bottom gets hidden). It's a Motorola E4 (not plus).
Thanks for your attention.
It happens in portrait mode too (bottom gets hidden). It's a Motorola E4 (not plus).
Thanks for your attention.