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Windows10 concurrent sessions

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 1:00 pm
by Alpin

We have a licence for 5 concurrent sessions and the TSPlus server is fully functional since 01/10/2017.
But since 2 weeks, only one concurrent user can work simultaneously.
E.g: The first user opens a browser, types the URL and gets the page
The second user opens a browser, types the URL and gets the session of the first user.

Nothing has been modified in the configuration of TSPlus.
TSPlus Server ( is installed on Windows 10 Pro Version 1709 OS Build 16299.125.

The customers can't work.

Do you have any idea ?

Thank you in advance,
Best Regards,

Re: Windows10 concurrent sessions

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 1:16 pm
by Alpin

I just tested on an another TSPlus Server.
Same problem.

TSPlus Version (Not the same as above
Windows 10 Pro Version 1709 OS Build 16299.125.

Do you have any idea ?

Windows 10 Fall Creators update 1709 is the problem ?

Have you ever tested this version ?

Re: Windows10 concurrent sessions

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 7:19 am
by jkuijt

Do you use 1 Windows account name to logon, for all your users?
Or does every user have his own unique Windows account name and password?

Best regards

Re: HTML5 Problem Concurrent sessions

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 7:52 am
by Alpin
I have 1 Windows account name to logon, for all users.
Best Regards,

Re: Windows10 concurrent sessions

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 10:39 am
by Alpin

I just tested on an another TSPlus server on Windows 10 v1703 with the latest version of TSPlus Server (v. just upgraded from and I doesn't have this problem.
Now, I will upgrade the Windows 10 v1703 to Windows 10 v1709 and we will see...
Best Regards,

Re: Windows10 concurrent sessions

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 4:24 pm
by indyrhett
Looks like a known issue with Fall Creators Update/Windows 10 Pro & any release of TSplus. We are also waiting on a fix. Has anyone tried with Windows 8?

Re: Windows10 concurrent sessions

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 11:39 pm
by juwagn

even by using native clients like mstsc.exe or generated/remoteapp clients the same problem occurs, the session gets taken over by new connection making the feature "allow multiple sessions per users" ineffective.
Microsoft made that for now not possible on Windows 10. I have asked already our server side team, they are working on solution but can not be said if the solution will come or when, but I am anyway not authorized to answer such questions since it is good possible that Windows10 will be removed from support for "multiple sessions per user".

There is some solution to mitigate that problem I have included in html5 client, so it is not resolving the problem but at least mitigating it as long Microsoft did not invent patch against it.

1. Install latest Tsplus and reboot, this is necessary since old Tsplus versions do not support necessary feature.
2. go sure you have activated NLA authentication (network level authentication) - that can be done in Windows own RDP settings
3. now the main part, by default this feature is not activated and is hidden, therefore locate also www\software\html5\settings.js and on end of this file add following line
W.forcelogonscreen = 1;
(this option is not present inside settings.js by default, be aware of that!!!)

Now in constellation with active NLA authentication and W.forcelogonscreen = 1; the html5 client will forcibly delete password and so enforce that the new session gets handled as multiple session. Remember, I do not give any guaranty that this workaround won't stop to work by next Microsoft patch since it is not server side fix but some html5 client specific parameters which enforce emptied password.
By deactivated NLA the autologon won't work, you will just get Windows logon screen where you would need to type password each time. And of course this html5 client option has zero effect on native clients like mstsc.exe/generated/remoteapp clients, there the problem will persist. However I have noticed one nice side effect, as soon there are at least two multiple sessions started for same user the native clients stop to produce that bug too.
Or as example if you deactivated NLA and did not provide password, and start two sessions with manual typing of password, then all following sessions >2 will not be affected by new Microsoft rules, despite of fact which client you use, html5 or native. However be aware, I repeat it again, there is no guaranty that this approach won't stop in the future by next Microsoft update since it is not a fix but just html5 client side workaround.

Sincerely yours, JW.

Re: Windows10 concurrent sessions

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2018 8:04 am
by John

The solution is simple:

- Create one different logon/password per user. Stop using the same credential for multiple users
- Use W7 (or 2008) instead of the latest buggy W10 system

Kind regards


Re: Windows10 concurrent sessions

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2018 10:13 am
by Alpin

In my case, the unique Windows account (local) is hardcoded into conf file:
C:\Program Files (x86)\TSplus\Clients\www\software\html5\settings.js
W.user = "XXX";
W.pass = "XXX";
But if it's empty:
W.user = "";
W.pass = "";

I get a red message in the html page
But I can't choose the Network Level Authentication on this Windows. I think TSPlus has modified this settings
Best Regards,

Re: Windows10 concurrent sessions

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2018 10:24 am
by Alpin
John wrote:Hello,

The solution is simple:

- Create one different logon/password per user. Stop using the same credential for multiple users
- Use W7 (or 2008) instead of the latest buggy W10 system

Kind regards

Hello John,

The first solution (different credentials per user) is not really a solution. In my case users must have only one authentication (only in our application). With your suggestion, They have two credentials: One credentials on HTML5 portal and a second one in our application.

The second solution costs a lot, new Windows licences, reinstall all applications on windows and TSPlus Servers spend me a lot of time.

Best regards,