The Universal Printer driver, loses its connection with the client after a session is dísconnected and after a few seconds its reconnected again.
To see the behavior do the following.
1- Publish notepad on a floating panel ou even on a remote desktop for a test user
2- Fire the connection from a PC using seamless ou remote _app client ( When generating a client, enable Universal Printer to select printer on client side )
3- Open notepad, write something in it and send to Universal printer. ( The print job is created, the bar graph shows it being transfered to the client, and after that the job is printed,or the
option to choose the printer locally appears on the PC screen.) That´s fine. now...
4- take you ethernet cable out of the PC, count to 30 seconds...the session is disconnected, now plug the ethernet cable back in, the session is reconnected again.
5- The notepad is still there, try to print again and nothing will happen. if you monitor the Universal Printer , you´ll see the print job being deleted right after it is sent.
6- Only solution up to now is to log off and log on again to get UPD working again. Is this a bug or it is a "by design problem" or it can be fixed ?
Sugestions welcomed