A new version of TSplus is being uploaded right now and will be available within few minutes.
This is our comment for this new version:
TSplus Improvements:
- ClientGenerator: restored lock on disk/USB serial
- AdminTool: added "disable notification center" setting in Advanced > Sessions
- Languages: updated Chinese translation
TSplus Fixes:
- ConnectionClient: fixed lock on disk/USB serial
- FloatingPanel: fixed encoding issue after running UpdateRelease on a legacy server
- WebPortal: fixed server selection list not shown in some non-standard cases
- LogonSession: clipboard is now cleared after session initialization
- LogonSession: fixed action center disabled
RDS-Knight Improvements:
- Added advanced setting "Computer nickname" to define a more relevant computer's name in alerts
- Email settings tile in ransomware tab is now disabled when ransomware protection is disabled
- Added right-click action "Block IP address" from the security event log
- Bruteforce Defender security events display the username when available
- Homeland: updated IP / Countries database
- Working Hours: replaced timezones selection listbox with a combobox dropdown list
- Working Hours: replaced default timezone label with system zone instead of user timezone
RDS-Knight Fixes:
- Fixed remove control panel option in Secure Desktops
- Fixed Working Hours automatic disconnection at the end of the configured work time
- Fixed Working Hours always authorize option
New TSplus and RDS Knight release
New TSplus and RDS Knight release
TSplus support team administrator

TSplus support team administrator