1) TSplus v12.20.3.25 fixes multiple bugs and improves user experience and security
2) RDS-Knight v4.1 improves v4 stability and ease of use
TSplus v12.20.3.25
- AdminTool > Applications: fixed cannot see mapped network drives when browsing for an application path
- AdminTool > Applications: fixed "openFileDialog1" displayed by default in file name when browsing for a new application
- AdminTool > Applications: allowed manually typing a folder path
- AdminTool > Applications: fixed domain\user is changed to computer\user when selecting a domain user in an AdminTool run as local admin. This cannot be fixed for groups. We still recommend running AdminTool as a domain user when installed in a domain-joined computer.
- AdminTool > Web > Web Portal Preferences: added a warning if the administrator types in a DNS domain name instead of a short domain name
- AdminTool > Farm: disabled the "Farm" menu entirely unless it is an Enterprise edition
- AdminTool > Farm > Load-Balancing: improved user experience by automatically enabling "gateway web portal" page when load balancing is activated
- AdminTool > Farm > Load-Balancing: TSplus automatically sets disable-existing-sessions-web-listing to "no" when sticky sessions are enabled
- AdminTool > Advanced Settings: added a "Logs" section to enable (or disable) technical logging which can be very useful for support
- AdminTool > Advanced Settings: removed the legacy and now unused "admintool color" setting
- Web Portal: fixed same tab opening issue when connecting in IE/Edge
- Web Portal: fixed connection when fields are auto completed
- Web Portal: improved parameter validation
- Web Applications Portal: preview mode now displays fake applications
- Load-Balancing: fixed bug when checking the load and heartbeat of the application servers and they only accept TLS 1.1 and/or TLS 1.2
- Setup/Update: improved Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016 session opening time
- Setup/Update: OpenJDK Java JRE is now automatically downloaded and installed (without asking) (even in silent mode)
- Setup: appcmdline is now set to "no" by default as this value is more secure
- Setup: disable-existing-sessions-web-listing is now set to "yes" by default as this value is not used except for sticky sessions
- Two-Factor Authentication: added Advanced Settings GUI
- Two-Factor Authentication: fixed file attributes to allow a clean uninstall
- HTML5 v6.23: fixed bug when server is overloaded
- HTML5 v6.23: fixed bug when file on web server was unavailable due security lock connection was closed instead sending right answer
- HTML5 v6.23: fixed bug when page was loaded in same tab with passed parameters and then reloaded, then it caused the html5.html page to go back to itself
RDS-Knight v4.1
- RDS-Knight 4.1 version contains all the improvements and fixes contained in previous versions.
- Add a registrar report for an IP address from the blocked IP addresses list.
- Enable DEBUG level logging from the advanced settings.
- Display the total number of blocked IP addresses from the blocked IP addresses list.
- Display the latest time for each feature status in events logs.
- Display monitored VNC ports in Bruteforce Defender, if VNC server is supported.
- Update translations.
- Fix uninstall program hangs.
- Fix ransomware protection initialization failure is shown in events.
New TSplus Release and RDS Knight 4.1
New TSplus Release and RDS Knight 4.1
TSplus support team administrator

TSplus support team administrator