RDS-Knight 4.0 version contains all the improvements and fixes contained in previous versions.
Refreshed and modernized user interface.
Homepage displays the five last security events and allows administrators to update RDS-Knight to the latest version directly from the Version tile.
Unified IP addresses management to manage both blocked and whitelisted IP addresses. Add full text search capabilities and one click actions.
When adding a country in Homeland protection whitelist, administrators are now able to unblock all blocked IP addresses associated to the selected countries.
Security events logs trace up to 2500 events. Add full text search capabilities and right click actions.
Displays TSplus Lockout events in security event logs when a failed login attempt is detected on TSplus Web portal.
Updated IP to Countries list.
Complete list of available countries in Homeland Access Protection.
Fix issue Homeland and Bruteforce features do not block offending IP address when permanent license is activated.
Changelog available here : https://dl-files.com/RDS-Knight-changelog.html
New Version of RDS Knigh 4.0
New Version of RDS Knigh 4.0
TSplus support team administrator

TSplus support team administrator