A new version of TSplus has been uploaded.
This is our comment for this new version:
We are very happy and pleased to inform you that TSplus version 12 is now publicly available!
Here are some new things you will love:
- 2FA extension (see our documentation here: https://www.terminalserviceplus.com/doc ... entication )
- Home page is a dashboard, allowing the administrator to instantly check the status of his TSplus server and acting quickly (restart web servers, update TSplus, identify a known issue, see user session...)
- Main menu and all TSplus features have been reorganized and are now accessible quicker and easier
- Application publishing has been completely redesigned
- And a lot more to come soon, including redesigned and integrated Farm management and advanced settings control.
This new version is the best version of TSplus ever released, and we hope you will love it as much as our beta testers and early adopters do!
Major Release Version 12
Major Release Version 12
TSplus support team administrator

TSplus support team administrator

Re: Major Release Version 12
A new version of TSplus has been uploaded and is now available. This is version
This is our comment for this new version:
New features:
- AdminTool: Applications: new submenu to check and modify applications assignments in bulk
- Setup: OpenJDK automatic download and installation if Java is not found on the server
- AdminTool: fix "duplicate key [AppX]" error by cleaning up AppControl.ini file on start
- 2FA: several fixes thanks to customers feedback
- Web Portal: fix "remember credentials" setting regression
- Updated Italian translations
A new version of TSplus has been uploaded and is now available. This is version
This is our comment for this new version:
New features:
- AdminTool: Applications: new submenu to check and modify applications assignments in bulk
- Setup: OpenJDK automatic download and installation if Java is not found on the server
- AdminTool: fix "duplicate key [AppX]" error by cleaning up AppControl.ini file on start
- 2FA: several fixes thanks to customers feedback
- Web Portal: fix "remember credentials" setting regression
- Updated Italian translations
TSplus support team administrator

TSplus support team administrator

Re: Major Release Version 12
We have published a new TSplus release version :
- Setup/Update: Fixed fileacl.exe/ntrights.exe not found error and permissions not set accordingly
- Setup/Update: Fixed "prints" folder missing in some cases
- AdminTool: License: Serial Number is now displayed bigger and Computer Name has been added in order to ease our Support Team operations
- Update: now advises admin to install OpenJDK automatically, this will replace the need of installing Java.
- AdminTool: Home: number of connections is now refreshed every 10 seconds
- Web Portal: Fixed issue when using 2FA and Load-Balancing or Users/Servers Assignments
- Web Portal : Fixed issue when retrieving 2FA status for a user member of too many groups
- Web Credentials: Windows login using the format "COMPANY\username" are now accepted
- Web Credentials: Fixed web password duplication error when web login contains accents
- Security: Updated bouncycastle library to its latest version (1.61)
- HTML5 client: added requested support for shortcuts list menu settings.js > W.shortCutsMenu
- HTML5 client: some changes required to inform correct Java path for 64bit version when 32bit recognized
- ConnectionClient: improved the -defaultsystem parameter to prevent Adobe Acrobat Reader to stay open after printing
We have also published a new version of TSplus mobile apps, which fixes a bug when using Users/Servers Assignments and now supports 2FA!
Downloads links are:
- Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta ... lus.mobile
- iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/tsplus/id1346566246
- Linux: https://dl-files.com/app/tsplus-app-linux.zip
- Windows: https://dl-files.com/app/Setup-TSplusApp.exe
Please allow a few hours/days before Apple validates the new version and Google clears his cache.
We have published a new TSplus release version :
- Setup/Update: Fixed fileacl.exe/ntrights.exe not found error and permissions not set accordingly
- Setup/Update: Fixed "prints" folder missing in some cases
- AdminTool: License: Serial Number is now displayed bigger and Computer Name has been added in order to ease our Support Team operations
- Update: now advises admin to install OpenJDK automatically, this will replace the need of installing Java.
- AdminTool: Home: number of connections is now refreshed every 10 seconds
- Web Portal: Fixed issue when using 2FA and Load-Balancing or Users/Servers Assignments
- Web Portal : Fixed issue when retrieving 2FA status for a user member of too many groups
- Web Credentials: Windows login using the format "COMPANY\username" are now accepted
- Web Credentials: Fixed web password duplication error when web login contains accents
- Security: Updated bouncycastle library to its latest version (1.61)
- HTML5 client: added requested support for shortcuts list menu settings.js > W.shortCutsMenu
- HTML5 client: some changes required to inform correct Java path for 64bit version when 32bit recognized
- ConnectionClient: improved the -defaultsystem parameter to prevent Adobe Acrobat Reader to stay open after printing
We have also published a new version of TSplus mobile apps, which fixes a bug when using Users/Servers Assignments and now supports 2FA!
Downloads links are:
- Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta ... lus.mobile
- iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/tsplus/id1346566246
- Linux: https://dl-files.com/app/tsplus-app-linux.zip
- Windows: https://dl-files.com/app/Setup-TSplusApp.exe
Please allow a few hours/days before Apple validates the new version and Google clears his cache.
TSplus support team administrator

TSplus support team administrator