New Major Release 11.60
New Major Release 11.60
A new version of TSplus is being uploaded right now and will be available within few minutes.
This is our comment for this new version:
This new release is focused on the best support of Windows 2016 and W10 latest releases, including the upcoming build October 2018 Update.
- The RemoteApp logon process has been changed to warrant the expected result, even on heavy loaded systems. Limit on the number of RemoteApp session on W2016/W10 has been lifted.
- On W10/W2016, the Windows Shell is replaced by our new WinXshell for all system where the TSplus license is more than 10 users. Please note that this is not the final version of WinXshell. We do expect enhancements before the end of October 2018.
- On W10/W2016, the GPO tile of the AdminTool has been enhanced to be able to enable/disable the new "per user" services which are useless on the "server" environment.
- If the system is not installed on the C: drive, Ghostscript setup was blocked. To avoid this issue in such case, we just ask the administrator to process his GS installation manually.
- The Universal Printer was not working when different version of Ghostscript was installed. It is fixed now at reboot.
However, if a printing problem subsist after the reboot, the re-install of the Ghostscript driver with the AdminTool Printer Management tile will fix it.
- The Universal Printer was not working due to a lack of rights to write on ../www folder. It is fixed now.
- When using RemoteApp on client, in the user systray, possibly, multiple icons was displayed. Also, the systray icon was displayed even when not application has been assigned to the user. It is fixed now. Please note the to enable this fix, the user must exit the existing systray and the install the newest Setup-RemoteAppClient.exe
- The overall security of TSplus Web Portal has been enhanced
A new version of TSplus is being uploaded right now and will be available within few minutes.
This is our comment for this new version:
This new release is focused on the best support of Windows 2016 and W10 latest releases, including the upcoming build October 2018 Update.
- The RemoteApp logon process has been changed to warrant the expected result, even on heavy loaded systems. Limit on the number of RemoteApp session on W2016/W10 has been lifted.
- On W10/W2016, the Windows Shell is replaced by our new WinXshell for all system where the TSplus license is more than 10 users. Please note that this is not the final version of WinXshell. We do expect enhancements before the end of October 2018.
- On W10/W2016, the GPO tile of the AdminTool has been enhanced to be able to enable/disable the new "per user" services which are useless on the "server" environment.
- If the system is not installed on the C: drive, Ghostscript setup was blocked. To avoid this issue in such case, we just ask the administrator to process his GS installation manually.
- The Universal Printer was not working when different version of Ghostscript was installed. It is fixed now at reboot.
However, if a printing problem subsist after the reboot, the re-install of the Ghostscript driver with the AdminTool Printer Management tile will fix it.
- The Universal Printer was not working due to a lack of rights to write on ../www folder. It is fixed now.
- When using RemoteApp on client, in the user systray, possibly, multiple icons was displayed. Also, the systray icon was displayed even when not application has been assigned to the user. It is fixed now. Please note the to enable this fix, the user must exit the existing systray and the install the newest Setup-RemoteAppClient.exe
- The overall security of TSplus Web Portal has been enhanced
TSplus support team administrator

TSplus support team administrator

Re: New Major Release 11.60
A new version of TSplus is now available. It is version
This is our comment for this new version:
- Added: In the AdminTool "Session Preference" tile, the administrator can now enable or disable the new WinXshell alternative to the Windows Shell.
Please note that soon (probably end of October) we will add the capability to translate the texts of WinXsheel and to hide features for the users.
- Added: The applications starts "Maximized" when using the Web Portal. This is useful especially when using the TSplus App to immediately see the expected application maximized. However, the administrator can use the Application tile to overpass this rule and to display the application as "Normal".
- Fixed: The Upload file feature in HTML5 when using the Explorer option instead of the TSplus GUI
- The start of the Web Server was not always processed art reboot. It is fixed now.
- The NFTS rights for users to write on some folders was not always what was expected. It is fixed now for any new installation
Comment: We do expect to create one more release tomorrow night for a minor fix.
A new version of TSplus is now available. It is version
This is our comment for this new version:
- Added: In the AdminTool "Session Preference" tile, the administrator can now enable or disable the new WinXshell alternative to the Windows Shell.
Please note that soon (probably end of October) we will add the capability to translate the texts of WinXsheel and to hide features for the users.
- Added: The applications starts "Maximized" when using the Web Portal. This is useful especially when using the TSplus App to immediately see the expected application maximized. However, the administrator can use the Application tile to overpass this rule and to display the application as "Normal".
- Fixed: The Upload file feature in HTML5 when using the Explorer option instead of the TSplus GUI
- The start of the Web Server was not always processed art reboot. It is fixed now.
- The NFTS rights for users to write on some folders was not always what was expected. It is fixed now for any new installation
Comment: We do expect to create one more release tomorrow night for a minor fix.
TSplus support team administrator

TSplus support team administrator

Re: New Major Release 11.60
is it possible to have more details about this new feature ?
- Added: The applications starts "Maximized" when using the Web Portal. This is useful especially when using the TSplus App to immediately see the expected application maximized. However, the administrator can use the Application tile to overpass this rule and to display the application as "Normal".
The checkbox to execute the application full screen was present also in previous version (see arrow in image).
What I was expecting, that will be appreciated by all my web users, even if I suspect it is not possible to do due to browser security reason, is to open the browser maximized with the application maximized.
Actually the browser (only Chrome for our users) bar and buttons "steals" space to our application. Users will manually maximize to have full screen available for our desktop application.
It will be very nice if Tsplus web portal will automatically do the browser maximize.
Thanks for any details given.
is it possible to have more details about this new feature ?
- Added: The applications starts "Maximized" when using the Web Portal. This is useful especially when using the TSplus App to immediately see the expected application maximized. However, the administrator can use the Application tile to overpass this rule and to display the application as "Normal".
The checkbox to execute the application full screen was present also in previous version (see arrow in image).
What I was expecting, that will be appreciated by all my web users, even if I suspect it is not possible to do due to browser security reason, is to open the browser maximized with the application maximized.
Actually the browser (only Chrome for our users) bar and buttons "steals" space to our application. Users will manually maximize to have full screen available for our desktop application.
It will be very nice if Tsplus web portal will automatically do the browser maximize.
Thanks for any details given.
Re: New Major Release 11.60
WinXshell changes everything, beware from installing it!
I had to downgrade to 11.50 for our customers to re-enabling their Terminalserver.
Please give us more Details, the changes to WinXShell are significant and needs extend testing before rollout...
Question: Why is the WinXShell only in english?
I had to downgrade to 11.50 for our customers to re-enabling their Terminalserver.
Please give us more Details, the changes to WinXShell are significant and needs extend testing before rollout...
Question: Why is the WinXShell only in english?
Re: New Major Release 11.60
winxshell can be disable in the Session opening preference located in the server tile of the admin tool or by renaming the winxshell folder in C:\Wsession.
new language will be added in the weeks to come.
winxshell can be disable in the Session opening preference located in the server tile of the admin tool or by renaming the winxshell folder in C:\Wsession.
new language will be added in the weeks to come.
TSplus support team administrator

TSplus support team administrator

Re: New Major Release 11.60
A new version of TSplus is now available :
This is our comment for this new version:
- Several bug fixed and better handling of Services during Setup, Updates and Uninstall
- Ransomware Protection is now disabled by default. You can enable it in RDS-Knight > Ransomware Protection > Enable Ransomware Protection
- Volume Licensing has a new param /comments to specify a comment on our licensing portal
- Application Runtime and Active Directory library updated to their latest version
- HTML5: added asymmetric extra encryption for sensitive logon data even when sent via http only protocol
- HTML5: fixed a lot of bugs from previous ticket implementation
If you have any Services-related issue (Load-Balancing not working because Enterprise service is not started automatically, Remote Desktop service not started after reboot, and so on): please apply this UpdateRelease and reboot before contacting support.
A new version of TSplus is now available :
This is our comment for this new version:
- Several bug fixed and better handling of Services during Setup, Updates and Uninstall
- Ransomware Protection is now disabled by default. You can enable it in RDS-Knight > Ransomware Protection > Enable Ransomware Protection
- Volume Licensing has a new param /comments to specify a comment on our licensing portal
- Application Runtime and Active Directory library updated to their latest version
- HTML5: added asymmetric extra encryption for sensitive logon data even when sent via http only protocol
- HTML5: fixed a lot of bugs from previous ticket implementation
If you have any Services-related issue (Load-Balancing not working because Enterprise service is not started automatically, Remote Desktop service not started after reboot, and so on): please apply this UpdateRelease and reboot before contacting support.
TSplus support team administrator

TSplus support team administrator

Re: New Major Release 11.60
A new version of TSplus is now available. This is version
This is our comment for this new version:
- fixed bug: TSplus Taskbar was not displayed anymore
- fixed bug: users with no applications assigned were getting an empty screen
- fixed bug: a user being in both an assigned local group and an assigned domain group was getting the assigned application icon twice in FloatingPanel
- fixed bug: applications were started in fullscreen mode even when the "Launch this application with its original size and position" was checked in AdminTool > Applications
- fixed bug: when two .connect files had the same name, connection settings of the first .connect file started where also used when running the second .connect file
- fixed bug: audiocapturemode was forced to 1 even when the client settings was "off"
- Setup-ConnectionClient.exe is now also available on http://your-server/ConnectionClient/Set ... Client.exe for easy deployment
- ConnectLauncher.exe (in %USERPROFILE%\RDP6) can now be run without parameters, directly by double-clicking on it. It will then display a standard file chooser dialog then offer the choice to either connect or edit the selected .connect file
- WinXshell: fixed startup path
- WinXshell: executable is now code signed
- Talisman shell: executables are now code signed
- GhostScript: setup does not include docs, thus reducing the size of our Setup and UpdateRelease files
- Web Applications Portal: application icons were retrieved by a full AutoIt compiled executable. It has now be embeded in the existing hb.exe, thus reducing the size of our Setup and UpdateRelease files and removing a potential antivirus false-positive warning
- HTML5: restored support for IIS reverse proxy
- HTML5: added ticket support for usage under IIS reverse proxy environment
- HTML5: improved when server is used behind proxy/nginx
A new version of TSplus is now available. This is version
This is our comment for this new version:
- fixed bug: TSplus Taskbar was not displayed anymore
- fixed bug: users with no applications assigned were getting an empty screen
- fixed bug: a user being in both an assigned local group and an assigned domain group was getting the assigned application icon twice in FloatingPanel
- fixed bug: applications were started in fullscreen mode even when the "Launch this application with its original size and position" was checked in AdminTool > Applications
- fixed bug: when two .connect files had the same name, connection settings of the first .connect file started where also used when running the second .connect file
- fixed bug: audiocapturemode was forced to 1 even when the client settings was "off"
- Setup-ConnectionClient.exe is now also available on http://your-server/ConnectionClient/Set ... Client.exe for easy deployment
- ConnectLauncher.exe (in %USERPROFILE%\RDP6) can now be run without parameters, directly by double-clicking on it. It will then display a standard file chooser dialog then offer the choice to either connect or edit the selected .connect file
- WinXshell: fixed startup path
- WinXshell: executable is now code signed
- Talisman shell: executables are now code signed
- GhostScript: setup does not include docs, thus reducing the size of our Setup and UpdateRelease files
- Web Applications Portal: application icons were retrieved by a full AutoIt compiled executable. It has now be embeded in the existing hb.exe, thus reducing the size of our Setup and UpdateRelease files and removing a potential antivirus false-positive warning
- HTML5: restored support for IIS reverse proxy
- HTML5: added ticket support for usage under IIS reverse proxy environment
- HTML5: improved when server is used behind proxy/nginx
TSplus support team administrator

TSplus support team administrator

Re: New Major Release 11.60
A new version of TSplus is now available. This is version
This is our comment for this new version:
- This is a corrective release
During the past week several issues created troubles to customers updating their former releases of TSplus.
This Update is addressing these issues and hopefully will avoid them to continue.
- When updating, sometime, the changed HTTP/HTTPS port was turn back to the port 80/443
This is fixed now.
- When updating and changing the RDP port number, the new port number was blocked by the Windows firewall.
This is fixed now.
- On W10/2016, to support RemoteApp over 16 concurrent users we did disabled the capability to reconnect a disconnected session.
Now this will be limited only for RemoteApp session when more than 14 concurrent session are already running.
- On W10/2016, the new WinXshell was published for users (not admin accounts) right from the first connection.
The WinXshell is still not completed as we want it to be and customers claims that it is not what they wish.
To avoid problem, but to keep the benefit of being able to start more than 16 "full Desktop" on these systems
we now do display it only after 12 open sessions.
Also, For not English systems, this release of WinXshell is displaying the text using the system language.
On this specific important matter, we expect to complete a good solution in November.
- On the AdminTool Session Preference tab, the capability to enable/disable the WinXshell alternative to the Windows Shell was not available.
It is fixed now.
- In the Advanced security tab, requesting to block RDP client connection was also blocking HTML5.
It is fixed now
One comment: If, after downloading and applying this Update Release, a customer having change the RDP port (3389) have a problem to connect using, for example a RemoteApp client, the solution is simple: Change the HTTP port --> apply, restore the HTTP port --> apply.
Doing so the proper rule on the Windows firewall will be added and the problem will be fixed.
A new version of TSplus is now available. This is version
This is our comment for this new version:
- This is a corrective release
During the past week several issues created troubles to customers updating their former releases of TSplus.
This Update is addressing these issues and hopefully will avoid them to continue.
- When updating, sometime, the changed HTTP/HTTPS port was turn back to the port 80/443
This is fixed now.
- When updating and changing the RDP port number, the new port number was blocked by the Windows firewall.
This is fixed now.
- On W10/2016, to support RemoteApp over 16 concurrent users we did disabled the capability to reconnect a disconnected session.
Now this will be limited only for RemoteApp session when more than 14 concurrent session are already running.
- On W10/2016, the new WinXshell was published for users (not admin accounts) right from the first connection.
The WinXshell is still not completed as we want it to be and customers claims that it is not what they wish.
To avoid problem, but to keep the benefit of being able to start more than 16 "full Desktop" on these systems
we now do display it only after 12 open sessions.
Also, For not English systems, this release of WinXshell is displaying the text using the system language.
On this specific important matter, we expect to complete a good solution in November.
- On the AdminTool Session Preference tab, the capability to enable/disable the WinXshell alternative to the Windows Shell was not available.
It is fixed now.
- In the Advanced security tab, requesting to block RDP client connection was also blocking HTML5.
It is fixed now
One comment: If, after downloading and applying this Update Release, a customer having change the RDP port (3389) have a problem to connect using, for example a RemoteApp client, the solution is simple: Change the HTTP port --> apply, restore the HTTP port --> apply.
Doing so the proper rule on the Windows firewall will be added and the problem will be fixed.
TSplus support team administrator

TSplus support team administrator

Re: New Major Release 11.60
Hello TSPlus,
We're now on the release and we have a problem when we put another user after 16 full desktops as you mentioned. The taskbar seems that isn't working fine with more than this 16 users, we did the workaround of renaming the folder of winxshell before in order to not use this new taskbar you provided in this release. We paid for three unlimited licenses on Windows Server 2016 and this "user limit" we're facing is not what we paid for. We need to fix that ASAP in order to keep our business working.
Will updating to the last release and disabling WinXshell permit to have more than 16 users with full desktops concurrently with no issues on the taskbar and WITHOUT the annoying WinXshell bar you introduced? If not, this needs to be fixed!
Thank you!
We're now on the release and we have a problem when we put another user after 16 full desktops as you mentioned. The taskbar seems that isn't working fine with more than this 16 users, we did the workaround of renaming the folder of winxshell before in order to not use this new taskbar you provided in this release. We paid for three unlimited licenses on Windows Server 2016 and this "user limit" we're facing is not what we paid for. We need to fix that ASAP in order to keep our business working.
Will updating to the last release and disabling WinXshell permit to have more than 16 users with full desktops concurrently with no issues on the taskbar and WITHOUT the annoying WinXshell bar you introduced? If not, this needs to be fixed!
Thank you!