Client side scripting
- Posts: 3
- Joined: Tue Jul 05, 2016 1:06 pm
Client side scripting
I have a project for our service tech. I need to access the GPS location from smart phones and tablets.
What is the process to set up client side scripting with Java or HTML5 ?
Thanks for your help.
Steve C.
What is the process to set up client side scripting with Java or HTML5 ?
Thanks for your help.
Steve C.
Re: Client side scripting
you can add own scripts according to this example.
1. locate and open
2. look for
4. save settings.js
5. save your customer script as example under www\custom1.js
Now you are free to use your own scripts...
But that step will make no sense, if you can not communicate with session, therefore...
Are you conform with AutoIt? If not, well, you have to learn it, since following example is in Autoit.
It is easy to compile to exe with AutoIt (you will have to google for it)
Save this snippet to server.au3 file, compile to exe, and execute inside session.
That was listening server example, once you start this server.exe (compiled au3) it will listen to messages from channel you send from browser.
Take attention at this part (I have commented it in script to disable)
That is pure JavaScript part, that gets executed inside browser
In this example it gets first initial data, and than listens for incoming messages, after first initialisation you could add inside your www\custom1.js something like
So to force the browser to send messages from inside session, make it also event driven, what I assume, you want to do here is next AutoIt snippet, almost equal to
server part but Global $ExitOnFirstMessage = True; also once it sends message, it exits immediatelly, also client version only.
Also as example save that snippet to client.au3 and compile to client.exe, and after you are sure, that server.exe runs, start client.exe.
Technically you could completely avoid usage www\software\html5\settings.js -> W.customerScripts
and evaluate your functions on first server.exe(.au3) start, as example
But that would make it hard to debug for you.
(remember under au3 some chars are escaped differently than by JavaScript, as example for Autoit for escaping " you must type it twice "")
PS: but unfortuantelly I can not give you aid on your code, because it is not covered by support. Any browser related issues are fully yours.
Sincerely yours, JW.
you can add own scripts according to this example.
1. locate and open
2. look for
Code: Select all
W.customerScripts = { 0: "../custom1.js" }; //example
// { 0: "../custom1.js", 1: "../custom2.js" }; // "../*" is web root
//Important notice: the third part JavaScripts and any issues/incompatibilities caused by it's usage are not covered by support and any help on it will be discarded!
4. save settings.js
5. save your customer script as example under www\custom1.js
Now you are free to use your own scripts...
But that step will make no sense, if you can not communicate with session, therefore...
Are you conform with AutoIt? If not, well, you have to learn it, since following example is in Autoit.
It is easy to compile to exe with AutoIt (you will have to google for it)
Code: Select all
;////code server.au3 start
#include <WindowsConstants.au3>
Global $versionNum = 3;
Global $ExitOnFirstMessage = False;
;//False means, the process will run permanently in listening mode and may receive messages
;//True means, the process will send the message to browser only one time and than exit immediatelly
;//never send persistent _sendPersistentMessage when $ExitOnFirstMessage = True
Global $ChannelCustomName = "WebIMECustom1";
;//The unique name of this program that may be accessed from parent process called by browser
;//main body
If $ExitOnFirstMessage = False Then
If _SingletonPID(@ScriptName & $ChannelCustomName, 1) <> 0 Then
MsgBox(0, 'Error!', 'Same process ' & $ChannelCustomName & ' already exists, exit now!', 5)
Local $ra = Random(1, 1234567890, 1);
While _SingletonPID(@ScriptName & $ra & $ChannelCustomName, 1) <> 0
$ra = Random(1, 1234567890, 1);
$ChannelCustomName = $ra & $ChannelCustomName;
Global $hChild = GUICreate($ChannelCustomName)
Global $hMainWnd = WinGetHandle("WebIMEGUIChannel")
Global $Succeed = 0
While $hMainWnd = 0 And $Succeed < 4
$Succeed = $Succeed + 1
$hMainWnd = WinGetHandle("WebIMEGUIChannel")
If $hMainWnd <> 0 Then
GUIRegisterMsg($WM_COPYDATA, "WM_COPYDATA_ReceiveData")
$Succeed = 0;
Local $data = "";
;//you can add own functions being available inside JavaScript scope via settings.js > W.customerScripts = { }; //read important notices inside settings.js regarding W.customerScripts
If $ExitOnFirstMessage = False Then
;//that is only example of possible usage, this data will be sent persistently and sendmsg.exe will listen for incoming commands to this custom channel process
;//that example will place icons in browser, in menu with back caller to this process to process arrived messages here with _handleData
$data = $data & " (function() { " & @CRLF
$data = $data & " var window = document.defaultView || document.parentWindow; " & @CRLF
$data = $data & " var channelCustomName = '" & $ChannelCustomName & "'; " & @CRLF
$data = $data & " var userMessage = 'some user string'; " & @CRLF
;//$data = $data & " window.ChannelCustomName = channelCustomName; " & @CRLF
$data = $data & " window.sendMyMessageBack = function(do_what) { " & @CRLF
$data = $data & " var messageBack = ""what ever you did""; " & @CRLF
$data = $data & " if(channelCustomName && channelCustomName.length > 0) { " & @CRLF
$data = $data & " W.sendChannelCustom(channelCustomName, messageBack); " & @CRLF
$data = $data & " } " & @CRLF
$data = $data & " }; " & @CRLF
$data = $data & " alert('Listening mode\r\nAfter clicking OK the message ""' + userMessage + '"" \r\nwill be sent back to customer channel:\r\n' + channelCustomName); " & @CRLF
$data = $data & " W.sendChannelCustom(channelCustomName, userMessage); " & @CRLF
$data = $data & " })(); " & @CRLF
;///won't do anything
If $ExitOnFirstMessage = False Then
_sendPersistentMessage($data) ;//in permanent listening mode to force the rdp channel to replay the data when browser window was refreshed, so use peristent message
;//if wishing to send commands once use _sendSingleMessage with $ExitOnFirstMessage = True
_sendSingleMessage($data); //when message will be sent only once, do not store it persistently to be replayed on browsers refresh, so use single message
MsgBox(0, "Message error!", "Channel process listener not found!", 5)
If $ExitOnFirstMessage = True Then
While 1
If $Succeed = 1 Then Exit;
While 1
Func WM_COPYDATA_ReceiveData($hWnd, $MsgID, $wParam, $lParam) ;
Local $inSend = DllCall("user32.dll", "BOOLEAN", "InSendMessage");
If $inSend[0] = 1 Then
$inSend = DllCall("user32.dll", "BOOLEAN", "ReplyMessage", "uint", 1)
;// reply to parent webime.exe process immediatelly to not make it hanging while waiting for this function to return
;//it is Microsoft recommendation to process so, because if parent caller hangs because of waiting to return this function
;//it will cause both processes to hang, so to avoid that and allow parent process to continue working answer with ReplyMessage as fast as possible here
;//PS: never remove this command, else you may block the webime.exe
;//however webime.exe uses timeout of 4 seconds and will not block forever, anyway answer with this ReplyMessage is good approach, so do not remove this command!
Local $tCOPYDATA = DllStructCreate("dword;dword;ptr", $lParam)
Local $tMsg = DllStructCreate("char[" & DllStructGetData($tCOPYDATA, 2) & "]", DllStructGetData($tCOPYDATA, 3))
Local $received = DllStructGetData($tMsg, 1)
If StringLeft($received, 1) = "3" Then
$Succeed = 0;// just handle data without exit
$received = StringTrimLeft($received, 1);
ElseIf $received = 0 Then
$Succeed = 1
Func _handleData($data)
MsgBox(0, "DATA ARRIVED", $data, 5)
;//handle your data here
Func WM_COPYDATA_SendData($hWnd, $sData)
WM_COPYDATA_SendDataTimeout($hWnd, $sData, 4000)
Func WM_COPYDATA_SendDataTimeout($hWnd, $sData, $timeout)
Local $tCOPYDATA = DllStructCreate("dword;dword;ptr")
Local $tMsg = DllStructCreate("char[" & StringLen($sData) + 1 & "]")
DllStructSetData($tMsg, 1, $sData)
DllStructSetData($tCOPYDATA, 2, StringLen($sData) + 1)
DllStructSetData($tCOPYDATA, 3, DllStructGetPtr($tMsg))
Local $Max = 0
$Succeed = 0
While $Succeed <> 1 And $Max < 40
$Max = $Max + 1
Local $Ret = DllCall("user32.dll", "lresult", "SendMessageTimeout", "hwnd", $hWnd, "uint", $WM_COPYDATA, "wparam", 0, "lparam", DllStructGetPtr($tCOPYDATA), "uint", 0x0000, "uint", $timeout, "ptr*", 0)
;//SendMessageTimeout gets used, because when due some wrong programming of process that retrieves this message the function should continue at least after time out elapsed
;//however if program followed Microsofts recommendations and process replies with ReplyMessage to this call, this will continue as fast as possible
;//PS: the parent webime.exe that represents the virtual channel follows Microsoft recommendations and replies as fast as possible to not make this function to hang
;//however timeout of 4 seconds is good approach anyway here
$Succeed = $Ret[0];
If $Succeed = 0 Then ;// 0 means failed or timed out
If $Succeed = 1 Then
MsgBox(0, "Error", "Waited more than 10 seconds for sending message!", 5);
If $ExitOnFirstMessage = True Then Exit;
Func _sendSingleMessage($msg)
$msg = "0" & $hChild & "@" & $msg
WM_COPYDATA_SendData($hMainWnd, $msg)
Func _sendPersistentMessage($msg)
If $ExitOnFirstMessage = True Then
$msg = "1" & $hChild & "@" & $msg
WM_COPYDATA_SendData($hMainWnd, $msg)
Func _SingletonPID($sOccurenceName, $iFlag = 0)
Local $hWnd = WinGetHandle($sOccurenceName)
If @error Then
$hWnd = WinGetHandle($sOccurenceName)
ControlSetText($hWnd, '', ControlGetHandle($hWnd, '', 'Edit1'), @AutoItPID)
If BitAND($iFlag, 1) Then
Return Int(ControlGetText($hWnd, '', ControlGetHandle($hWnd, '', 'Edit1')))
Exit -1
Return 0
EndFunc ;==>_SingletonPID
Func SleepOWN($time)
Local $rWord = DllCall("User32.dll", "dword", "MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx", _
"dword", 1, _
"ptr", DllStructGetPtr($hChild), _
"dword", $time, _
"dword", 0x0040, _
"dword", 0x6)
;////code server.au3 end
That was listening server example, once you start this server.exe (compiled au3) it will listen to messages from channel you send from browser.
Take attention at this part (I have commented it in script to disable)
Code: Select all
;//$data = $data & " alert('Listening mode\r\nAfter clicking OK the message ""' + userMessage + '"" \r\nwill be sent back to customer channel:\r\n ' + channelCustomName); " & @CRLF
;//$data = $data & " W.sendChannelCustom('" & $ChannelCustomName & "', userMessage); " & @CRLF
In this example it gets first initial data, and than listens for incoming messages, after first initialisation you could add inside your www\custom1.js something like
Code: Select all
window.sendMyMessageBack = function(do_what) {
///do what ever you want here
///if(do_what == 1) { } etc..
var messageBack = "what ever you did";
if("channelCustomName" in window && window.channelCustomName.length > 0) {
W.sendChannelCustom(window.channelCustomName, messageBack);
server part but Global $ExitOnFirstMessage = True; also once it sends message, it exits immediatelly, also client version only.
Also as example save that snippet to client.au3 and compile to client.exe, and after you are sure, that server.exe runs, start client.exe.
Code: Select all
;////code client.au3 start
#include <WindowsConstants.au3>
Global $versionNum = 3;
Global $ExitOnFirstMessage = True;
;//False means, the process will run permanently in listening mode and may receive messages
;//True means, the process will send the message to browser only one time and than exit immediatelly
;//never send persistent _sendPersistentMessage when $ExitOnFirstMessage = True
Global $ChannelCustomName = "WebIMECustom1";
;//The unique name of this program that may be accessed from parent process called by browser
;//main body
If $ExitOnFirstMessage = False Then
If _SingletonPID(@ScriptName & $ChannelCustomName, 1) <> 0 Then
MsgBox(0, 'Error!', 'Same process ' & $ChannelCustomName & ' already exists, exit now!', 5)
Local $ra = Random(1, 1234567890, 1);
While _SingletonPID(@ScriptName & $ra & $ChannelCustomName, 1) <> 0
$ra = Random(1, 1234567890, 1);
$ChannelCustomName = $ra & $ChannelCustomName;
Global $hChild = GUICreate($ChannelCustomName)
Global $hMainWnd = WinGetHandle("WebIMEGUIChannel")
Global $Succeed = 0
While $hMainWnd = 0 And $Succeed < 4
$Succeed = $Succeed + 1
$hMainWnd = WinGetHandle("WebIMEGUIChannel")
If $hMainWnd <> 0 Then
GUIRegisterMsg($WM_COPYDATA, "WM_COPYDATA_ReceiveData")
$Succeed = 0;
Local $data = "";
;//you can add own functions being available inside JavaScript scope via settings.js > W.customerScripts = { }; //read important notices inside settings.js regarding W.customerScripts
If $ExitOnFirstMessage = False Then
;//that is only example of possible usage, this data will be sent persistently and sendmsg.exe will listen for incoming commands to this custom channel process
;//that is only example of possible usage, this data will be sent only once and sendmsg.exe will exit after sending the message
$data = $data & " (function() { " & @CRLF
$data = $data & " var window = document.defaultView || document.parentWindow; " & @CRLF
$data = $data & " if(window.sendMyMessageBack) { window.sendMyMessageBack(1); } " & @CRLF
$data = $data & " })(); " & @CRLF
If $ExitOnFirstMessage = False Then
_sendPersistentMessage($data) ;//in permanent listening mode to force the rdp channel to replay the data when browser window was refreshed, so use peristent message
;//if wishing to send commands once use _sendSingleMessage with $ExitOnFirstMessage = True
_sendSingleMessage($data); //when message will be sent only once, do not store it persistently to be replayed on browsers refresh, so use single message
MsgBox(0, "Message error!", "Channel process listener not found!", 5)
If $ExitOnFirstMessage = True Then
While 1
If $Succeed = 1 Then Exit;
While 1
Func WM_COPYDATA_ReceiveData($hWnd, $MsgID, $wParam, $lParam) ;
Local $inSend = DllCall("user32.dll", "BOOLEAN", "InSendMessage");
If $inSend[0] = 1 Then
$inSend = DllCall("user32.dll", "BOOLEAN", "ReplyMessage", "uint", 1)
;// reply to parent webime.exe process immediatelly to not make it hanging while waiting for this function to return
;//it is Microsoft recommendation to process so, because if parent caller hangs because of waiting to return this function
;//it will cause both processes to hang, so to avoid that and allow parent process to continue working answer with ReplyMessage as fast as possible here
;//PS: never remove this command, else you may block the webime.exe
;//however webime.exe uses timeout of 4 seconds and will not block forever, anyway answer with this ReplyMessage is good approach, so do not remove this command!
Local $tCOPYDATA = DllStructCreate("dword;dword;ptr", $lParam)
Local $tMsg = DllStructCreate("char[" & DllStructGetData($tCOPYDATA, 2) & "]", DllStructGetData($tCOPYDATA, 3))
Local $received = DllStructGetData($tMsg, 1)
If StringLeft($received, 1) = "3" Then
$Succeed = 0;// just handle data without exit
$received = StringTrimLeft($received, 1);
ElseIf $received = 0 Then
$Succeed = 1
Func _handleData($data)
MsgBox(0, "DATA ARRIVED", $data, 5)
;//handle your data here
Func WM_COPYDATA_SendData($hWnd, $sData)
WM_COPYDATA_SendDataTimeout($hWnd, $sData, 4000)
Func WM_COPYDATA_SendDataTimeout($hWnd, $sData, $timeout)
Local $tCOPYDATA = DllStructCreate("dword;dword;ptr")
Local $tMsg = DllStructCreate("char[" & StringLen($sData) + 1 & "]")
DllStructSetData($tMsg, 1, $sData)
DllStructSetData($tCOPYDATA, 2, StringLen($sData) + 1)
DllStructSetData($tCOPYDATA, 3, DllStructGetPtr($tMsg))
Local $Max = 0
$Succeed = 0
While $Succeed <> 1 And $Max < 40
$Max = $Max + 1
Local $Ret = DllCall("user32.dll", "lresult", "SendMessageTimeout", "hwnd", $hWnd, "uint", $WM_COPYDATA, "wparam", 0, "lparam", DllStructGetPtr($tCOPYDATA), "uint", 0x0000, "uint", $timeout, "ptr*", 0)
;//SendMessageTimeout gets used, because when due some wrong programming of process that retrieves this message the function should continue at least after time out elapsed
;//however if program followed Microsofts recommendations and process replies with ReplyMessage to this call, this will continue as fast as possible
;//PS: the parent webime.exe that represents the virtual channel follows Microsoft recommendations and replies as fast as possible to not make this function to hang
;//however timeout of 4 seconds is good approach anyway here
$Succeed = $Ret[0];
If $Succeed = 0 Then ;// 0 means failed or timed out
If $Succeed = 1 Then
MsgBox(0, "Error", "Waited more than 10 seconds for sending message!", 5);
If $ExitOnFirstMessage = True Then Exit;
Func _sendSingleMessage($msg)
$msg = "0" & $hChild & "@" & $msg
WM_COPYDATA_SendData($hMainWnd, $msg)
Func _sendPersistentMessage($msg)
If $ExitOnFirstMessage = True Then
$msg = "1" & $hChild & "@" & $msg
WM_COPYDATA_SendData($hMainWnd, $msg)
Func _SingletonPID($sOccurenceName, $iFlag = 0)
Local $hWnd = WinGetHandle($sOccurenceName)
If @error Then
$hWnd = WinGetHandle($sOccurenceName)
ControlSetText($hWnd, '', ControlGetHandle($hWnd, '', 'Edit1'), @AutoItPID)
If BitAND($iFlag, 1) Then
Return Int(ControlGetText($hWnd, '', ControlGetHandle($hWnd, '', 'Edit1')))
Exit -1
Return 0
EndFunc ;==>_SingletonPID
Func SleepOWN($time)
Local $rWord = DllCall("User32.dll", "dword", "MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx", _
"dword", 1, _
"ptr", DllStructGetPtr($hChild), _
"dword", $time, _
"dword", 0x0040, _
"dword", 0x6)
;////code client.au3 end
and evaluate your functions on first server.exe(.au3) start, as example
Code: Select all
;//server.au3 start
$data = $data & " window.ChannelCustomName = channelCustomName; " & @CRLF
$data = $data & " window.sendMyMessageBack = function(do_what) { " & @CRLF
$data = $data & " var messageBack = ""what ever you did""; " & @CRLF
$data = $data & " if(""channelCustomName"" in window && window.channelCustomName.length > 0) { " & @CRLF
$data = $data & " W.sendChannelCustom(window.channelCustomName, messageBack); " & @CRLF
$data = $data & " } " & @CRLF
$data = $data & " }; " & @CRLF
;//server.au3 end
(remember under au3 some chars are escaped differently than by JavaScript, as example for Autoit for escaping " you must type it twice "")
PS: but unfortuantelly I can not give you aid on your code, because it is not covered by support. Any browser related issues are fully yours.
Sincerely yours, JW.
TSplus HTML5 and Java web engineer
- Posts: 3
- Joined: Tue Jul 05, 2016 1:06 pm
Re: Client side scripting
Thank you for your time and direction. I will start working on it.
Re: Client side scripting
fixed some spellings errors and made the server.au3/client.au3 custom example script usage ready to use, also wished function gets evaled once from server.au3 instead from www\custom1.js
And client.au3 plays the role of event driver.
However you may pack as example the call of function window.sendMyMessageBack into setInterval and poll for changes of gps location, and only than send message back to server, or make it event driven on side of browser. So you could avoid usage of client.au3 too.
fixed some spellings errors and made the server.au3/client.au3 custom example script usage ready to use, also wished function gets evaled once from server.au3 instead from www\custom1.js
And client.au3 plays the role of event driver.
However you may pack as example the call of function window.sendMyMessageBack into setInterval and poll for changes of gps location, and only than send message back to server, or make it event driven on side of browser. So you could avoid usage of client.au3 too.
Code: Select all
;////code server.au3 start
#include <WindowsConstants.au3>
Global $versionNum = 3;
Global $ExitOnFirstMessage = False;
;//False means, the process will run permanently in listening mode and may receive messages
;//True means, the process will send the message to browser only one time and than exit immediatelly
;//never send persistent _sendPersistentMessage when $ExitOnFirstMessage = True
Global $ChannelCustomName = "WebIMECustom1";
;//The unique name of this program that may be accessed from parent process called by browser
;//main body
If $ExitOnFirstMessage = False Then
If _SingletonPID(@ScriptName & $ChannelCustomName, 1) <> 0 Then
MsgBox(0, 'Error!', 'Same process ' & $ChannelCustomName & ' already exists, exit now!', 5)
Local $ra = Random(1, 1234567890, 1);
While _SingletonPID(@ScriptName & $ra & $ChannelCustomName, 1) <> 0
$ra = Random(1, 1234567890, 1);
$ChannelCustomName = $ra & $ChannelCustomName;
Global $hChild = GUICreate($ChannelCustomName)
Global $hMainWnd = WinGetHandle("WebIMEGUIChannel")
Global $Succeed = 0
While $hMainWnd = 0 And $Succeed < 4
$Succeed = $Succeed + 1
$hMainWnd = WinGetHandle("WebIMEGUIChannel")
If $hMainWnd <> 0 Then
GUIRegisterMsg($WM_COPYDATA, "WM_COPYDATA_ReceiveData")
$Succeed = 0;
Local $data = "";
;//you can add own functions being available inside JavaScript scope via settings.js > W.customerScripts = { }; //read important notices inside settings.js regarding W.customerScripts
If $ExitOnFirstMessage = False Then
;//that is only example of possible usage, this data will be sent persistently and sendmsg.exe will listen for incoming commands to this custom channel process
;//that example will place icons in browser, in menu with back caller to this process to process arrived messages here with _handleData
$data = $data & " (function() { " & @CRLF
$data = $data & " var window = document.defaultView || document.parentWindow; " & @CRLF
$data = $data & " var channelCustomName = '" & $ChannelCustomName & "'; " & @CRLF
$data = $data & " var userMessage = 'some user string'; " & @CRLF
;//$data = $data & " window.ChannelCustomName = channelCustomName; " & @CRLF
$data = $data & " window.sendMyMessageBack = function(do_what) { " & @CRLF
$data = $data & " var messageBack = do_what; " & @CRLF
$data = $data & " if(channelCustomName && channelCustomName.length > 0) { " & @CRLF
$data = $data & " W.sendChannelCustom(channelCustomName, messageBack); " & @CRLF
$data = $data & " } " & @CRLF
$data = $data & " }; " & @CRLF
$data = $data & " alert('Listening mode\r\nAfter clicking OK the message ""' + userMessage + '"" \r\nwill be sent back to customer channel:\r\n' + channelCustomName); " & @CRLF
$data = $data & " W.sendChannelCustom(channelCustomName, userMessage); " & @CRLF
$data = $data & " })(); " & @CRLF
;///won't do anything
If $ExitOnFirstMessage = False Then
_sendPersistentMessage($data) ;//in permanent listening mode to force the rdp channel to replay the data when browser window was refreshed, so use peristent message
;//if wishing to send commands once use _sendSingleMessage with $ExitOnFirstMessage = True
_sendSingleMessage($data); //when message will be sent only once, do not store it persistently to be replayed on browsers refresh, so use single message
MsgBox(0, "Message error!", "Channel process listener not found!", 5)
If $ExitOnFirstMessage = True Then
While 1
If $Succeed = 1 Then Exit;
While 1
Func WM_COPYDATA_ReceiveData($hWnd, $MsgID, $wParam, $lParam) ;
Local $inSend = DllCall("user32.dll", "BOOLEAN", "InSendMessage");
If $inSend[0] = 1 Then
$inSend = DllCall("user32.dll", "BOOLEAN", "ReplyMessage", "uint", 1)
;// reply to parent webime.exe process immediatelly to not make it hanging while waiting for this function to return
;//it is Microsoft recommendation to process so, because if parent caller hangs because of waiting to return this function
;//it will cause both processes to hang, so to avoid that and allow parent process to continue working answer with ReplyMessage as fast as possible here
;//PS: never remove this command, else you may block the webime.exe
;//however webime.exe uses timeout of 4 seconds and will not block forever, anyway answer with this ReplyMessage is good approach, so do not remove this command!
Local $tCOPYDATA = DllStructCreate("dword;dword;ptr", $lParam)
Local $tMsg = DllStructCreate("char[" & DllStructGetData($tCOPYDATA, 2) & "]", DllStructGetData($tCOPYDATA, 3))
Local $received = DllStructGetData($tMsg, 1)
If StringLeft($received, 1) = "3" Then
$Succeed = 0;// just handle data without exit
$received = StringTrimLeft($received, 1);
ElseIf $received = 0 Then
$Succeed = 1
Func _handleData($data)
MsgBox(0, "DATA ARRIVED", $data, 5)
;//handle your data here
Func WM_COPYDATA_SendData($hWnd, $sData)
WM_COPYDATA_SendDataTimeout($hWnd, $sData, 4000)
Func WM_COPYDATA_SendDataTimeout($hWnd, $sData, $timeout)
Local $tCOPYDATA = DllStructCreate("dword;dword;ptr")
Local $tMsg = DllStructCreate("char[" & StringLen($sData) + 1 & "]")
DllStructSetData($tMsg, 1, $sData)
DllStructSetData($tCOPYDATA, 2, StringLen($sData) + 1)
DllStructSetData($tCOPYDATA, 3, DllStructGetPtr($tMsg))
Local $Max = 0
$Succeed = 0
While $Succeed <> 1 And $Max < 40
$Max = $Max + 1
Local $Ret = DllCall("user32.dll", "lresult", "SendMessageTimeout", "hwnd", $hWnd, "uint", $WM_COPYDATA, "wparam", 0, "lparam", DllStructGetPtr($tCOPYDATA), "uint", 0x0000, "uint", $timeout, "ptr*", 0)
;//SendMessageTimeout gets used, because when due some wrong programming of process that retrieves this message the function should continue at least after time out elapsed
;//however if program followed Microsofts recommendations and process replies with ReplyMessage to this call, this will continue as fast as possible
;//PS: the parent webime.exe that represents the virtual channel follows Microsoft recommendations and replies as fast as possible to not make this function to hang
;//however timeout of 4 seconds is good approach anyway here
$Succeed = $Ret[0];
If $Succeed = 0 Then ;// 0 means failed or timed out
If $Succeed = 1 Then
MsgBox(0, "Error", "Waited more than 10 seconds for sending message!", 5);
If $ExitOnFirstMessage = True Then Exit;
Func _sendSingleMessage($msg)
$msg = "0" & $hChild & "@" & $msg
WM_COPYDATA_SendData($hMainWnd, $msg)
Func _sendPersistentMessage($msg)
If $ExitOnFirstMessage = True Then
$msg = "1" & $hChild & "@" & $msg
WM_COPYDATA_SendData($hMainWnd, $msg)
Func _SingletonPID($sOccurenceName, $iFlag = 0)
Local $hWnd = WinGetHandle($sOccurenceName)
If @error Then
$hWnd = WinGetHandle($sOccurenceName)
ControlSetText($hWnd, '', ControlGetHandle($hWnd, '', 'Edit1'), @AutoItPID)
If BitAND($iFlag, 1) Then
Return Int(ControlGetText($hWnd, '', ControlGetHandle($hWnd, '', 'Edit1')))
Exit -1
Return 0
EndFunc ;==>_SingletonPID
Func SleepOWN($time)
Local $rWord = DllCall("User32.dll", "dword", "MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx", _
"dword", 1, _
"ptr", DllStructGetPtr($hChild), _
"dword", $time, _
"dword", 0x0040, _
"dword", 0x6)
;////code server.au3 end
Code: Select all
;////code client.au3 start
#include <WindowsConstants.au3>
Global $versionNum = 3;
Global $ExitOnFirstMessage = True;
;//False means, the process will run permanently in listening mode and may receive messages
;//True means, the process will send the message to browser only one time and than exit immediatelly
;//never send persistent _sendPersistentMessage when $ExitOnFirstMessage = True
Global $ChannelCustomName = "WebIMECustom1";
;//The unique name of this program that may be accessed from parent process called by browser
;//main body
If $ExitOnFirstMessage = False Then
If _SingletonPID(@ScriptName & $ChannelCustomName, 1) <> 0 Then
MsgBox(0, 'Error!', 'Same process ' & $ChannelCustomName & ' already exists, exit now!', 5)
Local $ra = Random(1, 1234567890, 1);
While _SingletonPID(@ScriptName & $ra & $ChannelCustomName, 1) <> 0
$ra = Random(1, 1234567890, 1);
$ChannelCustomName = $ra & $ChannelCustomName;
Global $hChild = GUICreate($ChannelCustomName)
Global $hMainWnd = WinGetHandle("WebIMEGUIChannel")
Global $Succeed = 0
While $hMainWnd = 0 And $Succeed < 4
$Succeed = $Succeed + 1
$hMainWnd = WinGetHandle("WebIMEGUIChannel")
If $hMainWnd <> 0 Then
GUIRegisterMsg($WM_COPYDATA, "WM_COPYDATA_ReceiveData")
$Succeed = 0;
Local $data = "";
;//you can add own functions being available inside JavaScript scope via settings.js > W.customerScripts = { }; //read important notices inside settings.js regarding W.customerScripts
If $ExitOnFirstMessage = False Then
;//that is only example of possible usage, this data will be sent persistently and sendmsg.exe will listen for incoming commands to this custom channel process
;//that is only example of possible usage, this data will be sent only once and sendmsg.exe will exit after sending the message
$data = $data & " (function() { " & @CRLF
$data = $data & " var window = document.defaultView || document.parentWindow; " & @CRLF
$data = $data & " if(window.sendMyMessageBack) { window.sendMyMessageBack(new Date().getTime() / 1000); } " & @CRLF
$data = $data & " })(); " & @CRLF
If $ExitOnFirstMessage = False Then
_sendPersistentMessage($data) ;//in permanent listening mode to force the rdp channel to replay the data when browser window was refreshed, so use peristent message
;//if wishing to send commands once use _sendSingleMessage with $ExitOnFirstMessage = True
_sendSingleMessage($data); //when message will be sent only once, do not store it persistently to be replayed on browsers refresh, so use single message
MsgBox(0, "Message error!", "Channel process listener not found!", 5)
If $ExitOnFirstMessage = True Then
While 1
If $Succeed = 1 Then Exit;
While 1
Func WM_COPYDATA_ReceiveData($hWnd, $MsgID, $wParam, $lParam) ;
Local $inSend = DllCall("user32.dll", "BOOLEAN", "InSendMessage");
If $inSend[0] = 1 Then
$inSend = DllCall("user32.dll", "BOOLEAN", "ReplyMessage", "uint", 1)
;// reply to parent webime.exe process immediatelly to not make it hanging while waiting for this function to return
;//it is Microsoft recommendation to process so, because if parent caller hangs because of waiting to return this function
;//it will cause both processes to hang, so to avoid that and allow parent process to continue working answer with ReplyMessage as fast as possible here
;//PS: never remove this command, else you may block the webime.exe
;//however webime.exe uses timeout of 4 seconds and will not block forever, anyway answer with this ReplyMessage is good approach, so do not remove this command!
Local $tCOPYDATA = DllStructCreate("dword;dword;ptr", $lParam)
Local $tMsg = DllStructCreate("char[" & DllStructGetData($tCOPYDATA, 2) & "]", DllStructGetData($tCOPYDATA, 3))
Local $received = DllStructGetData($tMsg, 1)
If StringLeft($received, 1) = "3" Then
$Succeed = 0;// just handle data without exit
$received = StringTrimLeft($received, 1);
ElseIf $received = 0 Then
$Succeed = 1
Func _handleData($data)
MsgBox(0, "DATA ARRIVED", $data, 5)
;//handle your data here
Func WM_COPYDATA_SendData($hWnd, $sData)
WM_COPYDATA_SendDataTimeout($hWnd, $sData, 4000)
Func WM_COPYDATA_SendDataTimeout($hWnd, $sData, $timeout)
Local $tCOPYDATA = DllStructCreate("dword;dword;ptr")
Local $tMsg = DllStructCreate("char[" & StringLen($sData) + 1 & "]")
DllStructSetData($tMsg, 1, $sData)
DllStructSetData($tCOPYDATA, 2, StringLen($sData) + 1)
DllStructSetData($tCOPYDATA, 3, DllStructGetPtr($tMsg))
Local $Max = 0
$Succeed = 0
While $Succeed <> 1 And $Max < 40
$Max = $Max + 1
Local $Ret = DllCall("user32.dll", "lresult", "SendMessageTimeout", "hwnd", $hWnd, "uint", $WM_COPYDATA, "wparam", 0, "lparam", DllStructGetPtr($tCOPYDATA), "uint", 0x0000, "uint", $timeout, "ptr*", 0)
;//SendMessageTimeout gets used, because when due some wrong programming of process that retrieves this message the function should continue at least after time out elapsed
;//however if program followed Microsofts recommendations and process replies with ReplyMessage to this call, this will continue as fast as possible
;//PS: the parent webime.exe that represents the virtual channel follows Microsoft recommendations and replies as fast as possible to not make this function to hang
;//however timeout of 4 seconds is good approach anyway here
$Succeed = $Ret[0];
If $Succeed = 0 Then ;// 0 means failed or timed out
If $Succeed = 1 Then
MsgBox(0, "Error", "Waited more than 10 seconds for sending message!", 5);
If $ExitOnFirstMessage = True Then Exit;
Func _sendSingleMessage($msg)
$msg = "0" & $hChild & "@" & $msg
WM_COPYDATA_SendData($hMainWnd, $msg)
Func _sendPersistentMessage($msg)
If $ExitOnFirstMessage = True Then
$msg = "1" & $hChild & "@" & $msg
WM_COPYDATA_SendData($hMainWnd, $msg)
Func _SingletonPID($sOccurenceName, $iFlag = 0)
Local $hWnd = WinGetHandle($sOccurenceName)
If @error Then
$hWnd = WinGetHandle($sOccurenceName)
ControlSetText($hWnd, '', ControlGetHandle($hWnd, '', 'Edit1'), @AutoItPID)
If BitAND($iFlag, 1) Then
Return Int(ControlGetText($hWnd, '', ControlGetHandle($hWnd, '', 'Edit1')))
Exit -1
Return 0
EndFunc ;==>_SingletonPID
Func SleepOWN($time)
Local $rWord = DllCall("User32.dll", "dword", "MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx", _
"dword", 1, _
"ptr", DllStructGetPtr($hChild), _
"dword", $time, _
"dword", 0x0040, _
"dword", 0x6)
;////code client.au3 end
TSplus HTML5 and Java web engineer
- Posts: 3
- Joined: Tue Jul 05, 2016 1:06 pm
Re: Client side scripting
Returning from vacation. Thank you for all your help. Take a couple of days to get back on track in the office and then I will start work on this project. Once again thank you for your time and help on this request.
Have a Great Week,
Steve C.
Have a Great Week,
Steve C.
- Marc Pelosi
- Posts: 1
- Joined: Fri Aug 11, 2017 8:20 am
Re: Client side scripting
Thanks for the clarification! Got it working.
I'm gonna learn some tricks, the basic ones. I need to know all the main concepts. They can be used at the table. But they won't help me with that roulette.
Re: Client side scripting
The client-side environment used to run scripts is usually a browser. The processing takes place on the end users computer. The source code is transferred from the web server to the users computer over the internet and run directly in the browser. The scripting language needs to be enabled on the client computer.
Re: Client side scripting
A client-side dynamic web page processes the web page using HTML scripting running in the browser as it loads. JavaScript and other scripting languages determine the way the HTML in the received page is parsed into the Document Object Model, or DOM, that represents the loaded web page. The same client-side techniques can then dynamically update or change the DOM in the same way.