Search found 4 matches

by mrgiller
Wed Oct 25, 2017 12:57 am
Forum: Suggestions and Feedback
Topic: More custom Forms In the Universal Printer driver
Replies: 0
Views: 6300

More custom Forms In the Universal Printer driver

Some clients are using desktop printers (zebra thermal) wich needs small sized papers. We managed to create just one custom paper size in Universal Printer and it worked. It would be great if the Driver could handle at least 2 or 3 more different Custom Paper sizes for these small printers. There ar...
by mrgiller
Mon Apr 04, 2016 7:27 pm
Forum: Suggestions and Feedback
Topic: Session Manager - One important thing to consider
Replies: 3
Views: 11736

Session Manager - One important thing to consider

Hello, The inclusion of Session Manager on the server panel designed by TSplus, was a great idea, the only thing missing IMHO, is the possibility to Reset or Send messages to all the userssessions, or select more than one user at a time. I Explain, I recently had to send a message to all users that,...
by mrgiller
Mon Apr 04, 2016 7:07 pm
Forum: Troubleshooting and Problems
Topic: Universal Printer Deletes Jobs after disconnection
Replies: 0
Views: 11971

Universal Printer Deletes Jobs after disconnection

Hi, The Universal Printer driver, loses its connection with the client after a session is dísconnected and after a few seconds its reconnected again. To see the behavior do the following. 1- Publish notepad on a floating panel ou even on a remote desktop for a test user 2- Fire the connection from a...
by mrgiller
Thu Feb 12, 2015 2:20 pm
Forum: Suggestions and Feedback
Topic: Update release notes
Replies: 10
Views: 34062

Re: Update release notes - Latest release on site

I tested this release and found two problems: ( tested in 2012 R2 and 2008 R2 ) 1 -Management of Published Applications: If you ADD a new One or Try to delete some of them. the whole TSadmin will freeze. You´ll have to kill the process When you restart TSAdmin your actions were done OK. But this sho...